Thursday 7 October 2010

Feeling Down still

Still really worried about all the aches and pains I get when I run as my 10K run is only a week and a half away now. Might go to the gym today or even swimming instead of risking another run on the road.

Apart from my training and my dreamweaver course my life is quiet at the moment and I have no clients coming from my pro sub business so no money coming in at all which is not good and once my run is over if things don't pick up I may have to think about getting a normal job even if it's only part time work. The problem is apart from being Nina I'm not really any good at anything!!

Some how I still manage to fill my days though mostly posting on loads of sites to promote my naughty nina website(which isn't going that great either) or sorting through pictures and I have a few photoshoots altready booked for the end of the month which will give me even more material to edit. So I'm never that bored just not earning any money!

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