Friday, 28 February 2025

Short month means a short blog post

And I'm a day early as that leaves me free tomorrow to go for a ride on one of my motorbikes as well as a cycle ride. As I've just mentioned motorbikes I'll get this out the way as I know not everyone loves them as I do. I've again been done for speeding this time I was on my 750 Hornet doing 35 in a 30 zone and this means I'm getting 3 more points and a £100 fine. On the subject of motorbikes I did test ride the new Honda Hornet 1000 and also the Yamaha MT09 on the same day and loved them both. If I'm honest I preferred the Yamaha despite being less BHP. The engine is just so good and pulls like a train. However I seem to be struggling to stay under the speed limit on the bikes I have now so faster ones aren't going to help much. I also need to save as much money as possible for when my dream home finally turns up. I just hope it's worth the wait when it does as it's a long time coming.

So today I rode my Hornet to Exeter as I had an appointment with a Surgeon there about a possible different operation for my reflux issues. This one is the LINX procedure which involves implanting  flexible ring of magnet beads around the oesophagus. I was nearly late as my other issue of needing to have a wee flared up and I had to head to Exeter services so I didn't wet myself again. While rushing around I thought I'd lost my bike keys and luckily after retracing all my steps I found them! 

In my pocket!!

The surgeon was very nice but wants me to retake many of the reflux tests I've had in the past (Most not that pleasant) as he wants to know if my body has changed since the last time I had them all before agreeing to giving me the operation. So it looks like it'll be a while yet still. So I'm just going to have to keep taking the tablets in the meantime.

It's hard to believe February is over already but I did have a few meals out with Dee as normal and we visited a couple of museums. This time first we went to REME museum which is all about the history of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. I have to say the museum was pretty good which is more than I can say for the cake on offer in the café there. I forget where we ended up that night for our evening meal but I'm sure it was lovely as always. Oh hang on it was the Fox Den again as being a Friday the roads were very busy so we didn't want to go too far and yes it was lovely.  

The second museum was just this week and it was a trip to Coventry for this one. Now I'm sure as a kid I was sent to Coventry when I was naughty but maybe I'm getting confused as before this week I'd never been to Coventry in my life. We went to the transport museum there which was also very interesting. I especially like the land speed record cars. Which currently includes the Bloodhound car that in theory could go over 1000MPH and may one day run again and break the land speed record but probably never will now. This is of interest to me as it was built in Bristol where I spend a lot of my time.

Again we had tea and cake here or in my case hot chocolate and shortbread which was very nice and we returned to have a meal in the priory in Portbury again as food is always good there and we even got a discount.

We also had another trans group meal this week with 9 people turning up at the Boars Head in Aust where the portions are some what on the large side. Everyone who went enjoyed it though and we're all a stone heavier now.

I also spent a week away with Trenchard being tied up, beaten and sploshed! Yes this is what I do for fun if you didn't know already. We filmed everything for Onlyfans and to sell the edited films. Which was great only Trenchard was in half the films but doesn't want to be seen so this meant I can't use them! No idea why we didn't realise this before we made the films.

So that's the highlights of February. I did a few sessions as well which were mainly outcalls including some great CP sessions from Shaun and Hard Cane harry(not his real name but if it was he lives up to it) and if anyone else wants to see me I'm normally available for outcalls ad at Twisted Boudoir in Bridgwater and I'm also available the 21st of March all day at a Travelodge near Bristol. Just message me for more details. 

OK that's me done here's some photos from February

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Another month over and another year older

Yes January has come and gone as has another birthday. It wasn't very memorable as I spent the day in bed watching tele. I decided I didn't want a trans meal this year for various reasons. One being its so close to Christmas and most people haven't got any money or at least that's what they say. We did end up having a trans meal later in the month which 8 people turned up for. We went to the New Inn at Frampton Cotterell. The meals are nice there but very big and as Dee and I had been there before we did warn everyone of this but some took no notice. Including Annie Eggs who had a massive mixed grill which to me looked like a heart attack on a plate! She didn't quite eat it all unsurprisingly.

Ging back to the start of the month Dee, Alison Penn and I went out together on the 2nd and we went to a museum in Portbury. Followed by a meal in Portbury. The museum in question is called Oakham Treasures and well worth a visit. So many things there Dee and Alison remember from when they were younger. Sadly there wasn't things from when I was young but I still enjoyed looking at the large collection of old stuff they have there.

The following week David(not Dee this time) went shopping in the sales in Bristol but before doing so we had a game of Treetop golf in Cabot's Circus and despite the name it wasn't played in any treetops at all and in fact was just crazy golf. We both got holes in one which meant we each got a sticker!! 

After the golf I bought some new clothes in the sales which I'm very happy with and have been wearing ever since. Not everything at the same time though. I got mainly dressed but also a couple of skirts and a nice body. Photos below if I remember by the time I finish writing this that is.

As I mentioned in my previous blog post I lost my glasses when out on my bike so I got an eye test before buying new glasses. Sadly for me my sight is slightly worse and they found fatty deposits behind my eyes which is linked to heart disease so next week I have to get a cholesterol test to see if I'm at risk of a heart attack!!

I have been managing to see a few of my regular clients but this has mainly been outcalls to their homes or in a Travelodge I booked. Also in the Travelodge I had another bondage day with Trenchard and be bought me a late birthday present in the form of some stocking and a corselet which of course he tied me up in. 

I'm trying to keep fit by cycling for a couple of hours twice a week but the weather hasn't really been helping and most of the back roads are currently flooded or covered in mud and covered in mud is how I end up after every ride. I fitted some new mudguards to the mountain bike I ride when not using my E-bike but they're pretty useless and I'm still getting home looking like a mud monster.

Last week Dee took me to Cirencester  and to the Corinium Museum which was worth a visit even though for the fist part there was a load of screaming school kids running around which were starting to do my head in. Did I ever say that I don't like children? The best part of the day was of course the café we went in first for tea and cake. It rained all day so we picked a good day for being inside despite the kids. After that we went to the Swan in Tytherington for food and we both stuffed our faces with 3 courses! It's no wonder all my clothes are getting so tight! So much for new year new diet! 

For anyone who reads my blog who also loves motorbikes I must mention next week I've got a demo ride on the new Hornet 1000 which is the bike everyone seems to be going nuts for at the moment. As the owner of a 750 Hornet I couldn't resit trying the new 1000cc version. Will let you know what it's like next time.

Don't forget you can still book me for outcalls and at Hotels or Twisted Boudoir in Bridgwater for kinky sessions and you can still see all my latest bondage films on Onlyfans. 

See you back here next week if I don't have a heart attack before so that is of course.