Thursday, 2 June 2016

5th and final Repartee cover

As I mentioned in my last blog entry issue 82 of Repartee is the last one but the one thing I didn't say is that not only do I have 2 features in the final issue but I'm also the last ever Repartee cover girl. This makes 5 issues in total where I've featured on the cover since I first wrote for Repartee way back in issue number 50. This means over the 27 years Repartee has been printed only Martine Rose(who founded the magazine) has featured more often on the cover. I don't know why but I'm sort of proud of this fact.

If anyone wants a copy of the very last Printed Repartee you can buy it here

I've attached some photos of me with my RS250 Megane that didn't make the magazine to wet your appetite