Tuesday 1 October 2024

Despite doing less I still don't seem to have much more free time

I'm sure that will change because I'm not sat around the flat waiting for guys to call and see me anymore and now only doing a few outcalls and seeing my friend Dee/David mainly but at the moment I'm still pretty busy. Of course I do intend still to get a new place. However so far I've only managed to view one house. I didn't make an offer as still not sure if Weston is it's where I want to live and I need to be sure right? Also the place needed quite a bit of work doing and this means getting in tradesmen as I'm not great at DIY. Only today I spent hours replacing a broken pop up plug that wouldn't stop popping up. Which should have only taken no more than half an hour I'm sure. I also don't enjoy DIY and would rather get a man in. I mean a real man!!

As I mentioned in my last blog this month started off with a few days tied up in a cottage by Trenchard. It was nice and private and it was protected by a field of sheeps and sheep's poo which intern attracted flies. So we had to keep the windows shut to avoid the flies coming in and bothering me while I was tied up and unable to do anything about them. BTW I do have a skill for killing flies passed on by my dad but it's not very impressive and it doesn't always work. So it's not really a skill at all. what I'm really saying is sometimes I'm quicker than a fly.  

The cottage was a really good place for bondage though with lots of exposed beams and places to be tied too so we'll be going back I'm sure. It was run by an old couple who never met me as Trenchard arrived before and left after me. We were concerned what they might make of a transgirl so didn't risk it. Trenchard thought they might burn me like a witch. They were very friendly and kept coming over even bringing us fresh fruit(which ended up in the bin mainly)but luckily Trenchard didn't let them in as they might have found me tied up and I'm not sure that would have gone down well and the next visit we had would have probably been the police.

The following day I had to take my RS in the garage as it's dash was lit up like a Christmas tree with just about every warning light coming on. As it turned out it was on the £20 ABS sensor causing the the issue. Still cost over £120 to have a new one fitted and the following day my ST Fiesta was in for a service this costs nearly £500!

The next week Dee and I went to Haye-On-Wye in the the rain and got soaked while taking pictures on a hill. Not that you'd know we were on a hill because of the bad weather. As well as getting wet we looked in some bookshops as the place is full of them. I'm sure once the internet reaches Haye they won't need them anymore though! We also enjoyed the castle and a trans exhibition from a dead TS model who once lived in Haye and a drag queen who lived on a farm and did stuff with animals!

Dee dressed up in a crown and robes and didn't look at all silly. Honest. She also lost her shit with a parking machine which was a bit funny but not sure she thought so at the time and then wouldn't pay for to go for a pee instead she wanted to go in a bush but we ended up having tea and cake in a café where the loo's were free. It was a great day out despite the rain and we even went to the Fox Den for food when we made it back to Bristol.

This was one of 2 days out with Dee I had last month the other was going to be to Haynes motor museum to look at a load of old cars but at the last minute Dee came up with a much better idea and instead we went to Jodrell Bank. I have to be honest and say I'd never heard of the place but it was good and there was lots to do and see there, Not only the huge radio telescope but it would be worth a visit just to see that. I must say well done to Dee for picking this place and doing all the driving on both our days out but then again I bet her car is twice as good on fuel as even my ST.

Also Dee's been a bit of a life saver for me since I got kicked out of the flat so I was pleased to hear the recent scans to make sure the cancer hadn't come back were all good and nothing had changed. 😀 

I have managed to do a few outcalls including one where I had to suspend a client as per his script. It was hard going but I managed to put him in a horizontal suspended hogtie despite as it turns after not what he wanted. He in fact wanted a vertical hogtie which would have been far easier!

Last week I did a short UK tour for 4 days and saw 4 of my regular clients which more or less went to plan and it was so good to see these clients and friends again. Also to get caned, spanked and tied up. Although I did have an upset stomach one day which wasn't good as that days client wanted to beat my bottom and f**k it with a strap-on! Things went OK but might not have had the session been a few hours earlier!💩 

Last night was the last day of the month and it was ended with a group meal back at the Fox Den in Bristol. It was lovely to see everyone and the only issue came when we had to sort the bill but this is nearly always the case with these group meals sadly.

Oh I also spent a few days in Cornwall last month and I've been having issues with my weeing and acid reflux too which has been getting me down. I just found out today I'm on a 15month waiting list for a consultation with an NHS Surgeon in Devon where I've been referred too so I'm again thinking of going private and just paying for an operation 

So anyway here's a few photos from last month. Enjoy

Friday 6 September 2024

Time on my hands

First of sorry I'm late I've just come home from 4 nights away with Trenchard in a cottage in the middle of nowhere being tied up again but as this is something that's happened in September I'll write about it more next month.

So back to August and my last few weeks at the flat. I was quite busy especially the last week when I had bookings everyday from regulars who wanted to see me while I still had a place they could see me at. Sadly at the beginning of that week something happened and I nearly ended up cancelling everyone. 

That night I had a meal with a few friends as a kind of last meal where we would all meet at the flat first. There was 6 of us and it was a lovely meal at the very busy Ashton pub. It was also a hot night that night which meant the pub was even more busy and service was slow. I never had an issue with this but some of my friends did. I just thought more time to relax and chat. Anyway after the meal everyone came back to the flat. All their cars were in the private carpark outside. This carpark has a barrier stopping anyone without the code getting in. However this night the barrier wasn't working so my friends couldn't get out of the carpark. They came back to the flat and asked if I could operate it manually. I couldn't but walked over and tried the code from the outside. The barrier stayed down. Then I spotted it was jammed. So without thinking went over and tried pulling it free. After a couple of pulls it came free and flew up hitting me in the face. Nearly knocking me out. A woman living on one of the nearby boats came to help when she saw me fall to the ground. I had a nasty cut on my bottom lip that wouldn't stop bleeding and my lip really swelled up. That night unable to sleep I texted several of clients to say I would probably not be able to see them. The next day came and my lip had stopped bleeding and I managed to do my makeup around the cut and also in the end managed to do all my clients that week but I had to get by not kissing or using my mouth which was hard going for me! Weeks later I still have a scar which may never totally go and every time I look in the mirror now I'll remember the flat. Great! 

So my time at the flat has come to an end and much of my stuff is now in storage and I'm currently only able to do limited outcalls and no incalls but I am starting to look at new places already and this time I'm going to hopefully buy somewhere but it might take a while as at the moment I'm not even sure where I'm going but Bristol is unlikely because it's just too expensive. I've already looked at a place in Weston Super-mare as its a bit cheaper there but the list of things I want from a house on my budget makes finding that perfect place very hard indeed. I'm sure in the end I'll get sorted and to be honest my time at the flat was never going to last forever as the owner is 85 and had zero intention of leaving it to me or letting e carry on using it when he pops his clogs 

So other than being hit in the face and losing the flat last month I did have a lovely day out with Dee in a village called Mells to start with and then on to Nunney Castle and then a second castle that I've forgotten the name of. Before going to Bath and joining a group of trans girls at the Cozy club there. 

It was raining for the first part of the day so Dee and I stopped in the Walled garden for coffee/tea and cake. Well Dee had cake but sadly there was nothing I liked as I'm a fussy cow so Dee tells me. In the garden there is a nice wooden shelter and a sort of greenhouse bit to stay dry in. We walked round the garden and  along the river a bit and I stopped Dee having a wee in a bush. Then we  headed off to Nunney. By the time we got to the second castle having had no cake I was starving so bought us both a magnum ice-cream. I also had some sweets that Dee didn't want to share in case it pulled her filling out!!

Last month I also had another Will meal. This time it was at Rock Salt. which was Chinese and Indian food. It wasn't bad but Will did feel the need to tell people that my fat lip wasn't the result of him hitting me! 

In other news I'm currently having a bit of trouble with 2 of my fleet of vehicles. My RS went into limp mode and loads of warning lights came on so that's in the garage being fixed today and my TZR overheated on the motorway and cut out. I had to push it off the slip road. I called the RAC who told me I had to wait 3 hours. So cancelled them and got a friend to pick me and the bike up instead. That's now also in for repair with a guy who's a bit of a TZR and old 2-stroke expert.. At first I was worried it had seized up but it hadn't and when it cooled it started but after a bit again started to overheat. My Fiesta is in for a service tomorrow also so going to be shelling out a lot of money on my cars and bikes over the next few days.

So I now have more time on  my hands it would seem so other than looking for a new place. I'm still seeing Dee/David and doing the odd outcall but as it's likely to take months I'm hoping to do a tour in the next few of weeks and spend more time out on my bikes as I've hardly ridden the motorbikes at all this year. So I won't get bored but I will miss seeing some of my clients and the money of course.

BTW I'm still uploading onlyfans videos every weeks if anyone's interested in seeing me tied up struggling and there's hundred's already on there also. Just go here


More next month 

Nina x

Sorry not got much new in the way of photos this month but will have next month. 


Thursday 1 August 2024

End of an era

Sadly in a couple of weeks time I will no longer be available for sessions at the Bristol flat I've been doing sessions from and staying at for many years. In fact as far back as 2010 when I first started seeing clients. Although I did sessions at Ston Easton for about 5 years not using the flat and have worked from many different studios and dungeons. The flat has been my main base for the last 7 or 8 years though but my relationship with the owner has broken down and I now have to go. 

If you've been wanting to see me please do so in the next couple of weeks as things are going to be much more difficult after this for a while at least. I am going to look for a new place and I intend finally to get a place of my own this time but it may take a while to find. In the mean time most of my stuff is going into storage but I maybe available for some outcalls booked in advance and possible sessions at Twisted Boudoir which is a dungeon in Bridgwater and I still intend to do my tours.

So other than being kicked out of the flat what else happened to me in July I hear you ask.

Well I did something I've never done before and went with my friend to a pottery class. I thought I may have a natural talent for this but it turns out I don't and now I've tried it I don't want to do it again. I've ticked that one off my bucket list!

I also went with David dressed as Dee to Stonehenge for a day followed by a trans meal in Newbury. It wasn't school holidays but Stonehenge was still really busy. David volunteers for English heritage so we both got in for free. The guy didn't even ask for any proof of David working there he just let us straight in! So what did I think of Stonehenge? I've passed it countless times on the A303 and to be honest it's pretty much what you'd expect. The visitor centre is ok but a little boring and you either get a bus or walk to the stones. We decided to walk. Oh and there are a lot of crows there! That's about it really. It's something to do once in your life. A bit like pottery.

I also went out for a meal with Will again. This time we walked to Box E along the Bristol waterfront in a Unit next to M-Shed. That was nice and I had  taster menu. All was good except I don't like courgettes it turns out so I won't be having them again. Thank you again to Will for the good company and treating me. With my loss of the flat and moving from Bristol for a while that could be the end of these meals for now at least. Actually we have one more in a couple of weeks before I have to leave. So will make the most of that.

I also drove all the way to Derby and home the same day just to do a session with my client up there. It was worth it and we broke the spanking/caning session up and went to a nearby pub for a carvery and to give my poor bum a break.

Something else I did was go shopping with my friend Linda in Bath for the day which was very hot but enjoyable and I got a couple new tight dresses and a top. Linda was great to talk to as it came the day after my falling out with Davina the flat owner. She's someone I've known for years but never been that close with. However I think things might change now and we're even going out tonight for a meal in Bristol. Our friend Judy is joining us for this. 

I went to Cardiff and watched Twisters in IMAX which did what it said on the tin and was much the same as the 90's film which I can't for the life of me think of the name of.

Oh yes Twister! lol

Last week I did an all day session where I spent the whole time encased in double zentai. It was hard going but I loved it. Being someone's doll all day not allowed to speak but tied and gagged was very kinky but I was tired by 9pm when we finished having started at 10.30am!

This week I've had a couple of days bondage with Trenchard my rigger. It was hot but again so much kinky fun and I spent most of the time tied up and gagged again. Then we went to Noah's for Tea. So lots of fish again and for that matter yet again last night as I went with David to the Ashton and had more fish! 

So that was July now I've lots of packing to do in the next couple of weeks as I have a lot of stuff here! Going to take a while.




Tuesday 2 July 2024

Gone but not forgotten

I'm going to start my blog off with a little bit about Stacy Novak who sadly died last month on the 9th of June. Of course we all know her and Shane as the 2 main people behind Transliving but how many of us knew her as more than that? I attended 12 Transliving events and she was always a big part of these events for me. I used to sit next to her at meals and have to help her pour her tea while we put the world to right. She would often give me things for free. Sometimes clothes, Sometimes something more kinky as she like me had a kinky side that she kept fairly hidden most of the time. Although she couldn't resist giving me a little spanking me now and then and enjoyed having me dressed as a pony I'm sure. Talking of giving me free things I remember the first time I ever chatted to Stacy and at the time I was part of the Repartee team and I was at Sparkle dressed in my Repartee catsuit taking a break from the stall and wandering round the park. I stopped at the TLi stand and flicked through a few mags there. Shane saw me and straight away Stacy told Shane to give me some free magazines and we had a chat and got on well straight away. Before I returned to the Repartee stall and got moaned at from Bella Jay for fraternising with the enemy. Bella was worried I might start writing to Tli instead of Repartee. Which of course I did for several years but not until Repartee had long since ended. During my time writing for the magazine and attending the events I had a good friendship with Stacy and we would sometimes phone each other for catchup chats but I'm still not sure I really knew her but maybe better than many. RIP Stacy.  Gone but not forgotten. 

Sadly with Stacy's passing Transliving magazine has now come to an end also. This is a bit sad as I was a regular contributor from issue 59. It has ended on issue 83 meaning it lasted one more issue than Repartee magazine. My last article in both was in issue 82 but I started writing for Repartee in issue 50. Now sadly there's no printed Trans magazines left anymore for me to write for.

Not a lot has happened last month away from Stacy's passing but I did go for a day out with David(as Dee) to the black country heritage museum which was enjoyable. We even went down a mine and had to wear silly safety hats and mine really didn't go with my outfit that day but I think it improved Dee's overall look. Dee hung onto my arm as we couldn't see a thing and I kept banging my head as the tunnels were quite low.  It was very cold and windy that day despite the fact it was meant to be summer. I enjoyed checking out the old garage and motorbike shop being the petrol head that I am but other old shops were good also. It's just a shame so much was shut including the old fashioned fairground.

I had another meal out with Will which again was lovely. I'm really enjoying going to posh Restaurants with Will as normally when I go out with friends we tend to go to cheaper places. We have another one coming up in a couple of weeks too. So again time to put on a posh frock. Can't wait! Will said he's going to ride his KTM 390 adventure over this time so I can pose on it as not done a bike shoot for a while. Actually he didn't say he would but I told him too.

Last night 9 of us went to the Pump house for another nice meal. The second time I've been there in June. The first time being was just Dee and I though. I do recommend it but I was a little ill after!!

It wasn't that bad though as this morning we were back over Brunel's Kitchen for breakfast. Another place me and David(this time)are becoming regulars at.

Back at the flat I managed to break an old table belong to Davina the flat owner which to me was an old piece of rubbish but it turns out its a family heirloom apparently and was given to Davina just after the war by his mother! I'm not going to say how I broke it but it's not repairable and I'm not in Davina's good books for this. 

Last weekend at the flat I spend most of a day as a little girl in nappies which was I lot of fun sucking on daddies special dummy. I'll add a photo below. Not not of the dummy of me in nappies!

In June I had another great bondage day with Trenchard including some fantastic suspensions.

I've also just had both of mountain bike and my E-bike serviced which cost me over £300! 200 of this was for the 25 year old mountain bike which is probably worth less than £100. Doesn't make sense I know but I ride it a lot and love it and will never sell it so to me it was worth getting it sorted out. It no longer rattles and it has brakes again.

As always you can still book me as an escort, pro sub/domme and I'm still putting bondage struggling films on onlyfans at the moment 

OK time for some pics