Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year. lets hope it's a good one

So that's it my first post of 2025 looking back on the month of December in 2024. I might finish off looking forward to some of the things I might do this coming year or not as things rarely work out the way I think they will it seems.

So back at the start of December the first thing I did was buy a real Christmas tree for the house and as is the case every year it was far too big for my small house and I had to cut about a foot off the top. It looks good all decorated up though and is still up now. I take it down normally on the 6th but should it be the 5th I'm never quite sure and what happens if I'm a day late!

So onto the first full week of December and this week I had two days out with Dee(not as David this time) and both times as the weather was poor we went to museums down my neck of the woods as it happens. On the 3rd we went to Haynes motor museum but before we did and after spending ages trying to find it because of a new road system which is not on satnavs yet we went to South Cadbury castle which is associated with Camelot and King Arthur and all that rubbish. I was slightly disappointed as there is no actual castle there but instead a steep muddy hill awaited us. However once up it gives a fantastic view of the surrounding countryside and a nice place to go for a walk but no Chocolate shops up there which you'd think there would be being in Cadbury right?

From there we did go to Haynes and after a bun and a drink in the café we had 2 hours to bomb around before they shut. Which was just about the right amount of time to be honest. I've been there before but it had changed quite a bit. For me the highlight was the Williams F1 section. I was a bit disappointed with the bike and drive time exhibitions though but it was still a good place to visit if you like mainly old cars.

Two days later we were back in the same area at Yeovilton Fleet Air Arm museum and after failing to get in the outside café due to the fact it's been shut for years. Dee and I enjoyed a few hours looking at mainly old planes and helicopters. This is the 3rd time I'd been here as I said it's not that far from where I currently live. I was disappointed that aircraft carrier experience wasn't either there anymore or just not working as I though that was a highlight when I went before. I did like reading all about the Wrens though being a girl myself of course.

At the end of both these days out we stopped off in different places and had early Christmas dinners. Well Dee did anyway. On the second day I couldn't face a second Christmas dinner so had fish instead. BTW am I the only person who doesn't like Yorkshire puddings or understand what all the fuss is about them? Also talking of food I don't like, Christmas isn't great for me as I don't like Christmas cake, Christmas pudding or mince pies either!

Also in December I had a zoom consultation about going private for an operation called Reflux stop. Which cost me £300 for a 20 minute chat only to find out they don't recommend Reflux Stop for me and instead I should get a different op called "LINX" The consultant tried to get me to have this done private but I told him I'm already on a NHS waiting list for this op. So have decided just to stay on the waiting list any put up with my symptoms a while longer rather than pay 13 grand which I really need for my new house when I find one that is.

The week before Christmas week was busy. I spent the Monday getting tied up by Trenchard in a Travelodge room before driving around the country again seeing my clients that can't get to me. I enjoy doing this but always struggle to sleep in different beds nearly every night while away so return very tired. I not only enjoy seeing my clients but also love driving too. I've now owned Moo my green Fiesta ST a year and in the time I've covered 17,000miles plus another 3000 in my RS which I'm still hanging onto and comes in handy at times like collecting the Christmas tree as its the bit bigger than the Fiesta. I keep thinking about selling the RS but after 7 years of owning it I still love it and they're not losing any money so unless I get desperate I'm not yet ready to part with it. 

This Christmas was a very quiet one ad I've not been to any parties or group meals at all but it's still been OK and I've watched a lot of tele and films. Last night I finally got round to watching the most recent Jurassic World film which wasn't very good to be honest. A did spot there's yet another one of these films coming out next year. Talk about flogging a dead horse or should I say extinct dinosaur!

So what did I get for Christmas I hear no one asking me. I got some tights, a makeup bag and a mirror plus lots of chocolates. Oh and a new smart watch which does everything but make the tea but all I've used it for so far is for the time. Smart watches are kind of wasted on me.

Also over Christmas I lost both my TVchix account and my expensive prescription glasses. I eventually got my chix account back but not my glasses which I lost ridding my Honda hornet on a foggy wet day. I had them on but just couldn't see a thing as they kept fogging up so took them off and put them in a pocket which at some point they fell out of and I didn't realize until I got home. I stupidly went back in the dark looking for them but didn't find them and nearly froze to death in the process. I also couldn't see riding back home so rode back like I was on a moped holding up traffic.

Last night I just stayed in watching tele again and saw the new year in with Sophie Ellis Bexter. No she wasn't with me of course she was performing on TV. I must stay she dances a bit strangely but otherwise I quite like her and the fact that she's probably one of the only celebrities that doesn't have bright white teeth. 

Before I wrap this up I said to start with I'd mention a few plans I have for 2025 the main one being to buy a new place so I can go back to doing my incalls again. Which I haven't really been able to do since being kicked out of the Bristol flat last year. I still don't really know where it's going to be though but hopefully not too far from Bristol. So watch this space if you want to visit me for a fun kinky session this year. 

Also hopefully I'll finally get a reflux OP so I can get of the tablets I've been taking over 20 years now and are probably turning me slowly into a cabbage. I'm also thinking of selling some of my 4 bikes as they got very little use last year but I do think of them as like my children. So it's going to be hard to decide which ones to sell. I may finally do at least one bike tour this year which also might involve Dee(no she won't be on the back of my bike before you ask) but we need to plan this but it could be a lot of fun if it happens.

On that note here's a few recent pics and again I wish you all a happy new year. BTW for car lovers a had a pic with the XR2 and RS200 fords in Haynes because I had a white XR2 as my first hot hatch back when I was 18 and the RS200 is one of my favourite ever cars. 


Monday, 2 December 2024

Happy Christmas to anyone who reads my blog

This isn't going to be a long blog as I didn't do that much in November and I need to get out cycling today as not been out for well over 2 weeks and normally I cycle mainly for exercise twice a week but the weather has been so bad I haven't been able to get out but today it's dry at the moment anyway.

So first off I want to wish everyone a very early happy Christmas as I won't post again this year and below are a few new pics of me in my Christmas outfits that I've not posted anywhere else before just for you.

These were taken on a recent few days away with my Rigger "Trenchard" in an old mill we hired near Hereford. We mainly just do bondage stuff for fun and for my OnlyFans site but I had my Christmas outfits to be tied up in and it also snowed. So I had to get some non bondage pics as well of course.

Sadly Onlyfans who clearly don't get BDSM have again removed many of my bondage films. I really don't get it how my bondage struggling films are not allowed their but full on hardcore sex films are fine! My films show no nudity and are not that extreme. Normally it's just me struggling tied and gagged and of course only paying members can view these films. Again this leaves me wondering if I can carry on with Onlyfans much longer.

Away from this as normal I spent a lot of time with David/Dee and we went out for a lot of meals. One of these was for Dee's 67th birthday which we had at the priory in Portbury. It was nice and everyone who attended enjoyed the meal. I was having problems with my acid reflux again so only had a main. 

Talking of acid reflux after years of getting little joy from the NHS I've decided to go private and have just paid £300 for a half hour zoom consultation which is next week with a view to getting a fairly new operation called Reflux Stop. This will mean I have to find at least 16 grand if I'm eligible for this operation but having been on reflux tablets(known as PPi's) well over 20 years now I feel I have to get off them as their long term use is linked with dementia and other conditions. I'm not that old and already my memory is really bad and like many old people I can't seem to retain new information very well. This could be linked to the tablets or then again I might just be thick.

Back to the meals we had another meal as a sort of memorial for Davina. It was all trans girls who were her friends. Lynne was there, her best friend and told me they had a wake for her at the marina and a scattering of her ashes. Although Davina who was a man that lived dressed in women's clothes and nearly all her friends were trans only Lynne from the trans world got invited to her wake. Of course I wasn't invited as we had fallen out shortly before her death but I did spend probably more time with Davina than anyone except Lynne in recent years and her flat was my second home and base for most of my sessions for many years so you would think I would have been invited? I wouldn't have gone anyway so it doesn't really matter but it's nice to be asked. Right?

Another thing me and Dee did was have a day out in Wells which is a lovely place and Dee even bought some new clothes while there! We also wandered around Bishops Palace and gardens which isn't cheap to get in but what is these days? Dee kindly paid for me anyway and we spent a lovely couple of hours there but had to rush back to the car after as we only had a 3 hour ticket! Not because we're tight but that was the maximum amount of time we could get

Other things I did last month include going to Cardiff Christmas market then onto the IMAX cinema to watch Wicked. Which is a long film but doesn't seem it even though its a musical and some of the songs were pretty rubbish and I also watched comedian Jason Byrne the other nigh live in Lyme Regis who was quite funny. And that's about if for November. See you all back here after Christmas and new year in 2025 I hope. 

BTW 2025 could be a big year for me when I hopefully finally get a new place and go back to doing incalls again and finally get the OP! No not that op(although I wouldn't mind if things were different in my life ad I was younger) but an op for my ongoing reflux problems.

Friday, 1 November 2024

No going back now!

As anyone who follows me anywhere else other than on my blog will know Davina who owned the marina in Bristol passed away in her sleep in her French home last week at the age of 85. She wasn't ill but had recently had a covid vaccine and not felt well since. Make of that what you will but because of her age it was put down as natural causes and that might well be the case. Who knows.

I'd know Davina since 2006 I think when Davina who at the time was just a part time TV who only really dressed for kink reasons as a sort of adult schoolgirl. Although she didn't look like any schoolgirl I'd ever seen! 

She used to run parties at her place for other TV's and that's how we met. I attended a few of these and we became friends. Davina later became a full time TV and over the years that followed we did a lot of things together. Although her dress sense was terrible but she didn't care. I visited her in France 4 times where she lived for 6 months of the year. When I started as a pro sub in 2010 she kindly let me use her flat to see some of my clients. Which I did for a couple of years and then again when stuck for venues I used it for another 7 years up until a few months ago when we fell out. 

I will always remember Davina for the fact she let me use the flat for so long. It was a great act of kindness from her and I'll also remember some of the parties and boat trips she put on for the trans community. Sadly she was very divisive in the trans world and spent much of her later life upsetting people not only in real life but on the Tli forum as well. Being honest if it wasn't for the use of the flat we probably wouldn't have been that close or we would have fallen out years ago. I was treading on eggshells for years. After our fall out a few months ago I had already made my mind up I didn't want anything to do with her anymore and sadly whenever I think about her it's with very mixed emotions now but we did have some good times together as friends so I'll try to think more of those hard as it is to do so at times.

I believe she has been cremated in France and her ashes will be returned to the UK later this month and there might be something put on for her at the marina when they are which I won't be invited to for sure. Not that I would go anyway. I am arranging a meal for all her closest Trans friends though.  

RIP Davina Louise Lund. Gone but never forgotten.

BTW the no going back title of this blog refers to Davina's flat which I used on and off for nearly 15years and have many good memories there. Sadly most were when Davina was in France! 

Last month I viewed another 4 houses but yet to find one that I'm sure I want to live in. A lot of this is because of the location. Most of my clients come from near the Bristol area and I can't afford anything good in Bristol. So have been looking further down the M5 at places like Bridgwater but that might just be too far away for many people to travel to see me? Do I put my private life or business life first?

So no new house to live and see clients from but I've still been busy doing outcalls and seeing Dee/David in October. Last night was Halloween and a few lucky clients got to see me in my Halloween costume. I did a domme session and a CP session and no I didn't look scary. Whenever I try scary it always ends up sexy for some reason.

October started off with almost a week away with Trenchard in another old mill. We got a lot of bondage videos made and even a sploshing one. How we did that without getting custard all over the room I'll never know. There was a few spots on the walls which wouldn't wash off thought but we hid them well. BTW if you ever run out of yellow paint just use custard instead!

It was a great few days at a fab venue with great company who just happens to be a great rigger too.

We did almost do another bondage meet at his home last month too but he wasn't comfortable about me coming and going as a woman. So we had to knock the idea on the head sadly. We are meeting again later this month which I'm looking forward too greatly.

Finally as mentioned above again I've been busy with David or Dee depending on what we're doing. We had two days out last month. One was only a few days ago where we had a trip out to South Wales and which Dee planed to see a few churches and castles. Sadly the first place "St Illtyd Church"  had building work going on and we couldn't get to it because the road was shut so we went onto the following church which is more well know for the ruin next to it. This was "Ilantrithyd" After this the next church was "Ewenny Priory" which had groundsmen working outside and I'm sure they didn't know what to make of us. Dee said this church was a 12 out of 10 and one of her favourites but for me I'll fondly remember it for Dee telling me off for sitting on the alter. And again for Dee having a wee in the bushes as they're never any loo's in old churches. After this we stopped of for a drink and a massive piece of cake! Our final stop off was "Ogmore Castle" by a river with stones that you can walk across to get to the other side and no neither of us tried this. As the river was high running over the stones and we were both wearing trainers. Also there was a lot people about and seeing one of us fall in the river would have been comedy gold.

Our other trip out was a shopping trip to Cardiff by train. We went first class which is not something I'd done before as I normally don't do trains or buses for that matter but if I do I always travel scum class. It was good in first class though as we got a small drink and a biscuit! What more could you want!

We didn't shop for that long and I'm not sure Dee is that at home in women's clothes shops and there's no bushes to pee in. So we spent more time eating and in the Lego shop. I did get some new makeup though but no new clothes. I guess I'll just have to go clothes shopping again as I've nothing to wear at the moment.

Ok time to get up and go out on my bike as I'm not even dressed yet!

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Despite doing less I still don't seem to have much more free time

I'm sure that will change because I'm not sat around the flat waiting for guys to call and see me anymore and now only doing a few outcalls and seeing my friend Dee/David mainly but at the moment I'm still pretty busy. Of course I do intend still to get a new place. However so far I've only managed to view one house. I didn't make an offer as still not sure if Weston is it's where I want to live and I need to be sure right? Also the place needed quite a bit of work doing and this means getting in tradesmen as I'm not great at DIY. Only today I spent hours replacing a broken pop up plug that wouldn't stop popping up. Which should have only taken no more than half an hour I'm sure. I also don't enjoy DIY and would rather get a man in. I mean a real man!!

As I mentioned in my last blog this month started off with a few days tied up in a cottage by Trenchard. It was nice and private and it was protected by a field of sheeps and sheep's poo which intern attracted flies. So we had to keep the windows shut to avoid the flies coming in and bothering me while I was tied up and unable to do anything about them. BTW I do have a skill for killing flies passed on by my dad but it's not very impressive and it doesn't always work. So it's not really a skill at all. what I'm really saying is sometimes I'm quicker than a fly.  

The cottage was a really good place for bondage though with lots of exposed beams and places to be tied too so we'll be going back I'm sure. It was run by an old couple who never met me as Trenchard arrived before and left after me. We were concerned what they might make of a transgirl so didn't risk it. Trenchard thought they might burn me like a witch. They were very friendly and kept coming over even bringing us fresh fruit(which ended up in the bin mainly)but luckily Trenchard didn't let them in as they might have found me tied up and I'm not sure that would have gone down well and the next visit we had would have probably been the police.

The following day I had to take my RS in the garage as it's dash was lit up like a Christmas tree with just about every warning light coming on. As it turned out it was on the £20 ABS sensor causing the the issue. Still cost over £120 to have a new one fitted and the following day my ST Fiesta was in for a service this costs nearly £500!

The next week Dee and I went to Haye-On-Wye in the the rain and got soaked while taking pictures on a hill. Not that you'd know we were on a hill because of the bad weather. As well as getting wet we looked in some bookshops as the place is full of them. I'm sure once the internet reaches Haye they won't need them anymore though! We also enjoyed the castle and a trans exhibition from a dead TS model who once lived in Haye and a drag queen who lived on a farm and did stuff with animals!

Dee dressed up in a crown and robes and didn't look at all silly. Honest. She also lost her shit with a parking machine which was a bit funny but not sure she thought so at the time and then wouldn't pay for to go for a pee instead she wanted to go in a bush but we ended up having tea and cake in a café where the loo's were free. It was a great day out despite the rain and we even went to the Fox Den for food when we made it back to Bristol.

This was one of 2 days out with Dee I had last month the other was going to be to Haynes motor museum to look at a load of old cars but at the last minute Dee came up with a much better idea and instead we went to Jodrell Bank. I have to be honest and say I'd never heard of the place but it was good and there was lots to do and see there, Not only the huge radio telescope but it would be worth a visit just to see that. I must say well done to Dee for picking this place and doing all the driving on both our days out but then again I bet her car is twice as good on fuel as even my ST.

Also Dee's been a bit of a life saver for me since I got kicked out of the flat so I was pleased to hear the recent scans to make sure the cancer hadn't come back were all good and nothing had changed. 😀 

I have managed to do a few outcalls including one where I had to suspend a client as per his script. It was hard going but I managed to put him in a horizontal suspended hogtie despite as it turns after not what he wanted. He in fact wanted a vertical hogtie which would have been far easier!

Last week I did a short UK tour for 4 days and saw 4 of my regular clients which more or less went to plan and it was so good to see these clients and friends again. Also to get caned, spanked and tied up. Although I did have an upset stomach one day which wasn't good as that days client wanted to beat my bottom and f**k it with a strap-on! Things went OK but might not have had the session been a few hours earlier!💩 

Last night was the last day of the month and it was ended with a group meal back at the Fox Den in Bristol. It was lovely to see everyone and the only issue came when we had to sort the bill but this is nearly always the case with these group meals sadly.

Oh I also spent a few days in Cornwall last month and I've been having issues with my weeing and acid reflux too which has been getting me down. I just found out today I'm on a 15month waiting list for a consultation with an NHS Surgeon in Devon where I've been referred too so I'm again thinking of going private and just paying for an operation 

So anyway here's a few photos from last month. Enjoy